Daniel Sturm
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War & Sept. 11

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10 Years of City Pulse. Congratulations
By Daniel Sturm, The Lansing City Pulse
August 18, 2011

10 Years of City Pulse. A Time Line
The Lansing City Pulse
August 18, 2011

Facing the wall: How two Lansing women stood up
to Israeli soldiers by standing down
By Daniel Sturm, The Lansing City Pulse
July 12, 2006

Politics makes strange fund-raising fellows:
Dem opponents work together to raise funds
Lansing City Pulse, July 14, 2004

How Hot is Fahrenheit 9/11?
Lansing City Pulse, June 30, 2004

When breastfeeding conflicts with morés in the mall
Lansing City Pulse, June 23, 2004

With marriage on its mind, gay community shows its pride
Lansing City Pulse, June 9, 2004

Lansing's food desert: Inner-city residents campaign for a grocery store
Lansing City Pulse, June 2, 2004

Fighting at home for peace in the Middle East
Lansing City Pulse, May 26, 2004

Planning Board backs compromise in Renaissance Zone
Lansing City Pulse, May 26, 2004

Rep. Rogers, Bush official promise Gold Rush in Iraq
Lansing City Pulse, May 19, 2004

McPherson announcement turns protest into party. 'Nicest graduation gift ever'
Lansing City Pulse, May 12, 2004

Where is McPherson leading Moo U? Critics see comparisons to MSU's Vietnam-era role, Condoleezza Rice speech only latest indication
Lansing City Pulse, Mai 5, 2004

At rare Senate meeting, MSU faculty deliver a message. Administration criticized for not seeking their views
Lansing City Pulse, April 28, 2004

MSU, Condoleezza Rice and shades of Vietnam
Lansing City Pulse, April 21, 2004

A would-be 'cool' city proposes a reduction in recycling. Budget cuts threaten a progressive program
Lansing City Pulse, April 14, 2004

Eternal hope: Two Democrats vie for chance to face Rogers
Lansing City Pulse, April 7, 2004

The sun shines on a day of anti-war protest
Lansing City Pulse, March 24, 2004

The war in Iraq: Opponents plan largest protest since the invasion
Lansing City Pulse, March 17, 2004

The Med School Flap. Economy, health care, research, prestige all at stake
Lansing City Pulse, March 10, 2004

Ann Arbor's famed Hippie Hash comes to Lansing
Lansing City Pulse, March 3, 2004

'This Equals that' County supports restoring prominent sculpture
Lansing City Pulse, March 3, 2004

Heizer Sculpture Dumped in Field
Sculpture Magazine, March 2004, Vol.23, No.2, p. 12

Living With the Legacy of "Racial Hygiene" in Michigan
Utne Reader, February 26, 2004

Nader decision stirs passion among disaffected voters
Lansing City Pulse, February 25, 2004

Citizen Lobbyist: A straight woman's appeal for gay rights
Lansing City Pulse, February 18, 2004

Waiting for Jack: What we learned by asking simple questions about the Adado settlement
Lansing City Pulse, February 18, 2004

Adado sexual harassment suit settled for $120,000
Lansing City Pulse, February 11, 2004

'He got his,' former Council employee declares
Lansing City Pulse, February 11, 2004

Living on the Edge: The Working Poor. One Woman's Story
Lansing City Pulse, February 4, 2004

Moore's mission: Regime change in Washington
Lansing City Pulse, February 4, 2004

Living with the legacy of "racial hygiene" in Michigan. More than 3,700 sterilized in state. Apology sought
Lansing City Pulse, January 14, 2004

A victory for environmentalists against factory. But problems persist for the neighbors farms
Lansing City Pulse, December 24, 2003

Looking for Mr. Cool in Lansing's cold winter. 'Cool Cities' conferees sport sunglasses
Lansing City Pulse, December 17, 2003

The 'New Age' candidate for the Democratic nomination. An interview with Dennis Kucinich
Lansing City Pulse, December 10, 2003

The haunted house of eugenics. An interview with Edwin Black
Lansing City Pulse, December 10, 2003

Lessons for Lansing: Overcoming Urban Sprawl
Lansing City Pulse, December 3, 2003

Fighting Factory Farms
How a soft-spoken nurse-turned-farmer helped blow the whistle on a new breed of giant agricultural polluters.
Ann Arbor Observer, December 2003

U.S. mission in Iraq 'a success,' MSU president maintains. Problems remain; 'This isn't Ohio'
Lansing City Pulse, November 26, 2003

Putting the world into 'world-class city' of Lansing. Area residents launch international group
Lansing City Pulse, November 26, 2003

Fight against 'manure madness' in central Michigan escalates
Lansing City Pulse, November 19, 2003

Death penalty under Wharton's radar
Lansing City Pulse, November 12, 2003

The disturbing remains of 'This Equals That'
A year later, Heizer's monumental work sits neglected in a field
Lansing City Pulse, November 12, 2003

Affirmative action, racial politics and student activism
Lansing City Pulse, November 5, 2003

IT a key to 'cool cities' initiative in Lansing
Lansing City Pulse, November 5, 2003

Green Building Conference
Lansing City Pulse, October 29, 2003

The 'big dig' causing a big flap in downtown Lansing
Lansing City Pulse, October 29, 2003

In search of how we became human
Lansing City Pulse, October 22, 2003

Trying to understand Lansing's school bond proposal
Lansing City Pulse, October 22, 2003

Finding pathways to sustainable communities
Lansing City Pulse, October 15, 2003

Chicken-egg question at heart of school bond issue. Will better facilities keep Lansing schools competitive?
Lansing City Pulse, October 15, 2003

Weed Wars: The fight for the right tos smoke
Lansing City Pulse, October 8, 2003

Diversity an issue for Common Ground
Lansing City Pulse, October 1, 2003

Getting fired up about banned books
Lansing City Pulse, September 24, 2003

Nightlife in Lansing? If the governor has her way
Lansing City Pulse, September 24, 2003

Michael Moore Film Festival
Lansing City Pulse, September 17, 2003

City Hall seeks mixed usage for Renaissance Zone land
Lansing City Pulse, September 17, 2003

One more headache for Lansing: Schools of Choice
Lansing City Pulse, September 10, 2003

American 'corporarchy' Daniel Sturm interviews Dan Butts, a recent author of "How Corporation$ Hurt Us All."
Lansing City Pulse, September 3, 2003

Broad challenge to USA Patriot Act underway
Lansing City Pulse, August 27, 2003

Students renew protests over anti-Palestinian ads at MSU
Lansing City Pulse, August 27, 2003

Blacks frustrated as Lansing examines contracting practices
Lansing City Pulse, August 13, 2003

D.C. trip inspires center and shop for activists
Lansing City Pulse, August 06, 2003

All is not well at the Hospice of Lansing. Chaplain loses job; NLRB finds violations
Lansing City Pulse, August 06, 2003

Creating an ‘urban village.’ ‘Cohousing’ comes to Lansing’s Genesee neighborhood
Lansing City Pulse, July 30, 2003

Kunst unter Wölfen
Wie Michael Heizers Land Art-Skulptur This Equals That dem Zeitgeist geopfert wurde.
parapluie, Sommer 2003, No. 16: Driften

USA: Nonnen droht wegen Protesten gegen Bush Haftstrafe
Österreichischer Rundfunk Online, Juli 25, 2003

A real alternative to Benavides and Bernero
Lansing City Pulse, July 23, 2003

The Primary Prelude: Benavides, Bernero Test Voter Support
Lansing City Pulse, July 23, 2003

Feds investigate murder suspect in AARP fraud case
Lansing City Pulse, July 16, 2003

Large office building proposed for Renaissance Zone
Lansing City Pulse, July 9, 2003

Trying to fill the health GAP in Ingham County
Lansing City Pulse, June 25, 2003

High schoolers' desire for truth leads to Holocaust play
Lansing City Pulse, June 18, 2003

Experts debate the need for MSU to use animals for research
Lansing City Pulse, June 18, 2003

Adoption agencies question ruling in Holey custody case
Lansing City Pulse, June 11, 2003

'Sacred Inspectors' to speak in Lansing
Lansing City Pulse, June 4, 2003

Did friendship play role in Holey custody battle?
Lansing City Pulse, May 28, 2003

Gimme Shelter. Groups questioning animal rights in Ingham County
Lansing City Pulse, May 21, 2003

Striking Kenndyesque pose, Bernero announces for mayor
Lansing City Pulse, May 14, 2003

Selling home without Realtor inspires launch of FSBOLansing
Lansing City Pulse, May 14, 2003

Lansing Neighborhoods: Doing Something Right
Lansing City Pulse, May 7, 2003

War deemed unlikeley to lead to Iraqi democracy
Interview with Stephen Zunes, author of the recently published book "Tinderbox. U.S. Middle East Policy and the Roots of Terrorism."
Lansing City Pulse, April 23, 2003

Local groups begin Iraqi relief effort
Lansing City Pulse, April 23, 2003

Grebner has one word for animal activists: 'Fanatics'
Lansing City Pulse, April 16, 2003

Abrüstung mit dem Hämmerchen. - Drei Nonnen zeigen George W. Bush, wie es geht
Südwest-Presse, April 9, 2003

Friends no longer: Ingham County shelter and animal support group at odds over pet sales
Lansing City Pulse, April 9, 2003

Anti-war protests dwindle in Lansing
Lansing City Pulse, April 9, 2003

Sacred Inspectors and America's Weapons of Mass Destruction
Lansing City Pulse, April 2, 2003

A pause to regroup in antiwar activity
Lansing City Pulse, April 2, 2003

Heizer sculpture dismantled in Michigan
Sculpture, April 2003, Vol.22, No. 3, p. 14/15

Michigan Micro-Brewing Special Features
Lansing City Pulse, March 12, 2003

Scholar: real issue is skin color, not race
Lansing City Pulse, March 12, 2003

Lansing Council joins 110 U.S.communities in opposing Iraqi war
Lansing City Pulse, February 26, 2003

Nothing modern about Iraqi war, professor says
Interview with the German scholar, Hans Joas, a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago, is author of the recently published book "War and Modernity."
Lansing City Pulse, February 12, 2003

Michigan leads states in local government antiwar resolutions
Lansing City Pulse, February 5, 2003

"Drop Bush, not Bombs"
Ex-KREUZER Reporter Daniel Sturm war am 19. Januar bei der Antikriegsdemonstration in Washington vor Ort. Hier sein Bericht - exklusiv für kreuzerONLINE.
Kreuzer, February 2003

Every chance to really make a difference
Lansing City Pulse, January 22, 2003

Going Local. Creating Self-Reliance in Lansing in A Global Age
Lansing City Pulse, January 8, 2003

Neglect, not safety, likely undoing of Heizer work
Lansing City Pulse, December 24, 2002

Opposition to war with Iraq growing in Lansing
Lansing City Pulse, December 18, 2002

Art patrons want to know fate of Heizer sculpture
Lansing City Pulse, December 11, 2002

How Michigan stores its fine arts in a box
German Version
Lansing City Pulse, December 4, 2002

Coalition forms to oppose Iraqi war
Lansing City Pulse, November 20, 2002

Moore's film targets home state
Lansing City Pulse, November 6, 2002

The Case Against the War
Lansing City Pulse, October 30, 2002

City Council candidates offer clearly different views
Lansing City Pulse, October 23, 2002

Ingham proposal: Tax levy for juvenile detention plan
Lansing City Pulse, October 23, 2002

Governor's race: Moral fuming vs. Bill Clinton flair
Lansing City Pulse, October 9, 2002

Anthrax scare at MSU leaves long-term scars
Lansing City Pulse, October 9, 2002

Council candidates differ on financial disclosure
Lansing City Pulse, October 2, 2002

Planning board maintains split over Sparrow
Lansing City Pulse, October 2, 2002

Spartas fragwürdiger Siegeszug
Eine amerikanische Universität im Mittleren Westen hat sich 1945
ausgerechnet den kriegerischen Spartaner zum Vorbild gewählt und
erwägt nun das Idol in Bronze zu gießen.
parapluie, Herbst 2002, No. 14: Theater und Politik
In English: Sparta's questionable rise to fame

Eastside neighbors divided on Sparrow proposal
Lansing City Pulse, September 25, 2002

LCC trustees, gay group differ on Council candidates' records
Lansing City Pulse, September 25, 2002

Demonstrators call Fox News 'blatantly racist'
Lansing City Pulse, September 18, 2002

As 9/11 approaches Lansing reflects on the year that was
Lansing City Pulse, September 4, 2002

When the smoke clears, where will the money go?
Lansing City Pulse, August 21, 2002

Inside Sparty's Third Reich roots
German Version
Lansing City Pulse, August 21, 2002

There's an awful lot of coffee … and a lot of it isn't so hot
Lansing City Pulse, August 14, 2002

Don't like the primary winners? Go Green!
Lansing City Pulse, August 7, 2002

Lansing Council to decide whether to fight pipeline
Lansing City Pulse, July 31, 2002

Feds probing fraud charge in Michigan AARP
Lansing City Pulse, July 24, 2002

Third city board member may quit over Rhodes-Reed
Lansing City Pulse, July 24, 2002

City govt. brewing out-of-state java
Lansing City Pulse, July 10, 2002

MSU Police - can a new chief ovesrcome old suspicions?
Lansing City Pulse, July 10, 2002

New Questions arise over firing
Lansing City Pulse, July 3, 2002

Atheism, the Pledge, and McCarthyism
Lansing City Pulse, July 3, 2002

Turner-Dodge interested in LCC house
Lansing City Pulse, June 26, 2002

Cohousing looks at practical questions
Lansing City Pulse, June 26, 2002

Hip-Hop Inside Outside
Lansing City Pulse, June 26, 2002

‘The mayor didn’t think anybody would care.’ Interview with Genice Rhodes-Reed
Lansing City Pulse, June 19, 2002

Firings create dilemma for unity forum
Lansing City Pulse, June 19, 2002

The scandal that wasn't there
Lansing City Pulse, June 19, 2002

Blacks fear surge in City Hall firings
Mayor’s former assistant says he too was fired, reports threats
Lansing City Pulse, June 12, 2002

Living Wage is a mixed bag in fight against poverty
Lansing City Pulse, May 29, 2002

GM - Fatal Handshake?
Lansing City Pulse, May 22, 2002