Daniel Sturm
Journalism & Research


War & Sept. 11

Environment & Technology



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curriculum vitae


10 Years of City Pulse. Congratulations
By Daniel Sturm, The Lansing City Pulse
August 18, 2011

10 Years of City Pulse. A Time Line
The Lansing City Pulse
August 18, 2011

The Time is Ripe for Refugee Farmers
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeesWorks
March 15, 2010

Farming Jobs. An interview with Daniel Krotz and Larry Laverentz
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
March 15, 2010

Snapshot of Refugee Agricultural Projects in the U.S.
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
March 15, 2010

Farming and Green Jobs Resources
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
March 15, 2010

Work: A Cure for Trauma
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
December 15, 2009

What Makes a Good Job Developer
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
December 15, 2009

Interagency Resource Sharing: An Interview with Jan Reeve
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
December 15, 2009

RefugeeWorks Launches Networking Site for Refugee Professionals
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
September 1, 2009

Opportunities for Refugee Engineers and Teachers
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
September 1, 2009

Reclaiming Careers Guide
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
September 1, 2009

Launching a Community Newspaper in Tough Times
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
June 1, 2009

Finding Work in Hard Times
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
June 1, 2009

Helping Refugees Find Green Jobs
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
March 1, 2009

Environmental Advocates Push for an Inclusive Economy
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
March 1, 2009

Fostering a Green Employer Connection
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
March 1, 2009

Green Jobs Resources
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
March 1, 2009

Tackling Job Development During a Recession: Ten Points of Advice
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
March 1, 2009

The Job Developer's Toolbox
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
December 1, 2008

The Picture Behind the Story
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
December 1, 2008

Iraqi Refugees Search for Work in Detroit
By Daniel Sturm, Anthropology News
Society for the Anthropology of Work Section
October 2008

Positive Change through Social Networks
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
September 1, 2008

Peer Mentoring for Professional Employment
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
September 1, 2008

Refugees Are Seeing “I-to-I”
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
September 1, 2008

Ethnic Peer Mentoring in Texas
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
September 1, 2008

Peer Mentoring Resource Guide
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
September 1, 2008

Fast-Tracking Refugee Nurses and Doctors
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
June 1, 2008

Welcome Back Initiative Helps Immigrant Medical Professionals
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
June 1, 2008

A Refugee Nursing Program Reports Success
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
June 1, 2008

Recertification Resource Guide
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
June 1, 2008

Transportation Barriers: A Driving Simulator Can Make a Real Difference
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
June 1, 2008

A Difficult Adjustment: Iraqi Refugees in Detroit
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
March 1, 2008

Iraqi Refugee Employment Survey
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
March 1, 2008s

Iraqi Refugee Resources
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
March 1, 2008

Tackling Transportation
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
Dec. 1, 2007

The Point Is to Join Up—An Interview with Carolyn Jeskey, Community Transportation Association of America
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
Dec. 1, 2007

Establishing a Reverse Commuter Express Line in Kentucky
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
Dec. 1, 2007

The Commercial Driver’s License: A Career and Chance to See the Country
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
Dec. 1, 2007

Maryland Refugees Gain Special Access at the MVA
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
Dec. 1, 2007

Banking for the Unbanked—An interview with Kica Matos on New Haven’s Elm City Resident Card
By Daniel Sturm, RefugeeWorks
Dec. 1, 2007

Prison Helps No One
Daniel Sturm Interviews Staughton Lynd
By Daniel Sturm, Z Magazine
June 1, 2007

Local vet recalls his POW days with the late Kurt Vonnegut
By Daniel Sturm, The Athens News
May 3, 2007

Plays about Lucasville riot, Clarence Darrow spotlight death penalty
By Daniel Sturm, The Athens News
April 16, 2007

Death on Stage
The truth about the Lucasville uprising
By Daniel Sturm, The Cincinnati City Beat
April 11, 2007

Kucinich Comes Back for '08
By Daniel Sturm, In These Times
Feb. 1, 2007

Surgeon cites link between lethal injection, Nazis
By Daniel Sturm, The Athens News
Jan. 11, 2007

Is lethal injection barbaric? Ohio revisits the ethics of execution
By Daniel Sturm, The Athens News
Jan. 11, 2007

"I'm in a Singular Position"
Ohioan Dennis Kucinich bases his latest presidential run on clear opposition to the war in Iraq
By Daniel Sturm, The Cincinnati City Beat
Jan. 3, 2007

Kucinich runs again, on one big issue: Bring the troops home
By Daniel Sturm, The Athens News
Dec. 28, 2006

The Peace Dividend
Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich Hopes To Win Support
For Having Been Right About Iraq
By Daniel Sturm, The Cleveland Free Times
Dec. 27, 2006

"We fail the basic test of democracy"
An interview with Ohio election scrutinizers Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
By Daniel Sturm, The
Youngstown Walrus
Nov. 23, 2006

An Interview with Cliff Arnebeck, National Co-Chair and attorney
for The Alliance for Democracy
By Daniel Sturm, The
Youngstown Walrus
Nov. 23, 2006

Lethal injection takes the stand
In Ohio, a botched execution has led some to ask if lethal injection is
cruel and unusual punishment
By Daniel Sturm, The

Youngstown Walrus
Oct. 11, 2006

"You don't see, you don't feel, and you don't look"
An Israeli Combat Soldier Breaks the Silence
By Daniel Sturm, The Youngstown Walrus
Aug. 30, 2006

Visiting Palestine as War Returns to the Middle East
By Daniel Sturm, The Youngstown Business Journal
August 2006

Facing the wall: How two Lansing women stood up
to Israeli soldiers by standing down
By Daniel Sturm, The Lansing City Pulse
July 12, 2006

Travesties of Justice: An interview with
Siddique Abdullah Hasan
By Daniel Sturm, The Columbus Free Press
February 5, 2006

Ohio's Supermax On Trial

By Daniel Sturm,
The Youngstown Business Journal
MidSeptember 2005

Ohio's Supermax On Trial

By Daniel Sturm, The Columbus Free Press
Sept. 6, 2005

Interview with Siddique Abdullah Hasan
By Daniel Sturm,
The Columbus Free Press
Aug. 18, 2005

Ohio's Abu Ghraib

Znet, Aug. 3, 2005

Indefinite Detention in Ohio
Locked in solitary confinement, no chance of parole
The Youngstown Business Journal, August 2005

Indefinite Detention in Ohio
Portside, Aug. 2, 2005

In der Obhut des Warschauer Pakts
Ein Gespräch mit Victor Grossman
parapluie, Sommer 2005, No. 21: Warschauer Pakt

Noam Chomsky in Germany:
"Ikone der Kritik: Noam Chomsky spricht im Gewandhaus
Kreuzer, March 2005

Politics makes strange fund-raising fellows:
Dem opponents work together to raise funds
Lansing City Pulse, July 14, 2004

How Hot is Fahrenheit 9/11?
Lansing City Pulse, June 30, 2004

Fighting at home for peace in the Middle East
Lansing City Pulse, May 26, 2004

Rep. Rogers, Bush official promise Gold Rush in Iraq
Lansing City Pulse, May 19, 2004

McPherson announcement turns protest into party. 'Nicest graduation gift ever'
Lansing City Pulse, May 12, 2004

Where is McPherson leading Moo U? Critics see comparisons to MSU's Vietnam-era role, Condoleezza Rice speech only latest indication
Lansing City Pulse, Mai 5, 2004

MSU, Condoleezza Rice and shades of Vietnam
Lansing City Pulse, April 21, 2004

Eternal hope: Two Democrats vie for chance to face Rogers
Lansing City Pulse, April 7, 2004

The sun shines on a day of anti-war protest
Lansing City Pulse, March 24, 2004

The war in Iraq: Opponents plan largest protest since the invasion
Lansing City Pulse, March 17, 2004

Moore's mission: Regime change in Washington
Lansing City Pulse, February 4, 2004

The 'New Age' candidate for the Democratic nomination. An interview with Dennis Kucinich
Lansing City Pulse, December 10, 2003

U.S. mission in Iraq 'a success,' MSU president maintains. Problems remain; 'This isn't Ohio'
Lansing City Pulse, November 26, 2003

Broad challenge to USA Patriot Act underway
Lansing City Pulse, August 27, 2003

Students renew protests over anti-Palestinian ads at MSU
Lansing City Pulse, August 27, 2003

D.C. trip inspires center and shop for activists
Lansing City Pulse, August 06, 2003

USA: Nonnen droht wegen Protesten gegen Bush Haftstrafe
Österreichischer Rundfunk Online, Juli 25, 2003

'Sacred Inspectors' to speak in Lansing
Lansing City Pulse, June 4, 2003

War deemed unlikeley to lead to Iraqi democracy
Interview with Stephen Zunes, author of the recently published book "Tinderbox. U.S. Middle East Policy and the Roots of Terrorism."
Lansing City Pulse, April 23, 2003

Local groups begin Iraqi relief effort
Lansing City Pulse, April 23, 2003

Abrüstung mit dem Hämmerchen. - Drei Nonnen zeigen George W. Bush, wie es geht
Südwest-Presse, April 9, 2003

Anti-war protests dwindle in Lansing
Lansing City Pulse, April 9, 2003

Sacred Inspectors and America's Weapons of Mass Destruction
Lansing City Pulse, April 2, 2003

A pause to regroup in antiwar activity
Lansing City Pulse, April 2, 2003

Lansing Council joins 110 U.S.communities in opposing Iraqi war
Lansing City Pulse, February 26, 2003

Nothing modern about Iraqi war, professor says
Interview with the German scholar, Hans Joas, a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago, is author of the recently published book "War and Modernity."
Lansing City Pulse, February 12, 2003

Michigan leads states in local government antiwar resolutions
Lansing City Pulse, February 5, 2003

"Drop Bush, not Bombs"
Ex-KREUZER Reporter Daniel Sturm war am 19. Januar bei der Antikriegsdemonstration in Washington vor Ort. Hier sein Bericht - exklusiv für kreuzerONLINE.
Kreuzer, February 2003

Every chance to really make a difference
Lansing City Pulse, January 22, 2003

Opposition to war with Iraq growing in Lansing
Lansing City Pulse, December 18, 2002

Coalition forms to oppose Iraqi war
Lansing City Pulse, November 20, 2002

The Case Against the War
Lansing City Pulse, October 30, 2002

Anthrax scare at MSU leaves long-term scars
Lansing City Pulse, October 9, 2002

As 9/11 approaches Lansing reflects on the year that was
Lansing City Pulse, September 4, 2002

MSU Police - can a new chief ovesrcome old suspicions?
Lansing City Pulse, July 10, 2002

Atheism, the Pledge, and McCarthyism
Lansing City Pulse, July 3, 2002

"Es darf keinen schwachen Staat geben"
Der Historiker Dan Diner über Islam, Anti-Amerikanismus und das Paradoxe der Globalisierung
Kreuzer, November 2001

Botaniker im Grenzkonflikt
Eigentlich wollten sie nur Blumen bestimmen, aber wegen der Sicherheitsvorkehrungen rund um den Weltwirtschaftsgipfel in Salzburg wurden sieben Leipziger Studenten samt Exkursionsleiter die Einreise verweigert. Begründung: "Gefahrenabwehr"
Kreuzer, September 2001

Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Party
Amüsier-Betrieb, Bagels und Cheerleaders - über dieses kleine "ABC" verfühgen die Amerikaner bekanntlich im Überfluß. Vielleicht deshalb folgten 1.300 Neugierige dem Ruf des General-Konsuls zur Wahl-Party 2000 im Leipziger Marriot Hotel.
Kreuzer, Dezember 2000

"Nebel der Geschichte"
Volker Rodekamp, Direktor des Stadtgeschichtlichen Museums, 47. Gebürtiger Bielefelder. Studierte Ethnologie. "Nationale Gedenkstätten im 21. Jahrhundert." Auf dem Symposium hat Rodekamp bereits eine Ausstellungs-Skizze präsentiert.
Kreuzer, November 2000

Sind Leipziger Feldjäger Waschbrettköpfe?
Wer Soldaten "Kettenhund" oder "Waschbrettköpfe" nennen will, sollte es sich gut überlegen. Er könnte wie taz-Autor Wiglaf Droste wegen ehrkränkender Beleidigung bestraft werden. Ein Leipziger Soldat, der Kommandeur des Feldjägerbataillons Major Güldner, hat im Namen der Bundesrepublik erfolgreich geklagt.
Kreuzer, November 2000